For 6 months now we have heard the word; Virtual. Everything has been presented that way. We have had virtual conventions, virtual corporate meetings, virtual worship services, virtual bible school, virtual weddings, virtual funerals and now we are adding virtual academic learning. This coming semester 90,000+ students in Memphis and Shelby County will be involved in some sort of virtual learning environment. Some will be at home, some will join their parents in offices and conference rooms, and 10,000+ will be located in churches, non-profit centers and community centers. This service will be provided by the YMCA of Greater Memphis and the Mid-South. It has been confirmed that UABC will be a host location for 9 weeks and possibly 18 weeks to host a YMCA Virtual Learning Academy in Mid-Town. Our campus will become the learning home for 80-120, K-8 students (inclusive of 20-30 Special Needs Children) and staff. A question that I have been focused on is one that the search committee asked of me over 3yrs ago. “How can UABC increase it’s presence in the Memphis Mid-Town Community while at the same time embracing diversity and inclusion?”
Friends, I believe that question has been answered and continues to be answered. We have hosted a prom for the special needs community for 3 years ministering to over 500 people each year. 43 of those participants have also been involved in our Virtual Bible School and will now have the chance to return to our campus as students that receive accommodations for academic learning. We have hosted 3 summers of mission teams that has utilized the same space where the Virtual Learning will take place. We know because of the 600+ students and adults that attend during the summer that our basement space can both accommodate the student and staff numbers that the YMCA will be serving on our campus. Lastly because of our continued agreements with under-graduate and graduate study classes we know that our data download bandwidth can adequately support 80-120 children streaming their virtual classroom on our network. This campus has been and will continue to be a ministry hub that will serve a vastly diverse population. God has provided such a time as this for His Gospel truth to shine and move forward. Our indoor space, along with our outdoor playground will be a continued location for us to fulfill our mission of reaching our community for Christ.
Virtual has been tough. Virtual has been an inconvenience. Virtual has been a discouragement, but as we have often said and been told; “This, too, shall pass.” It seems that when we hear those words; “This, too, shall pass.” It takes place during a period of discouragement. Discouragement is a temptation “common to man” (1 Corinthians 10:13). And in dealing with it sometimes we need tenderness and other times we need toughness. But either way discouragement is not to be tolerated or wallowed in. It’s to be fought and in our context we should be reminded that we are to continue with ministry. The truth is, discouragement is all around us. Ezra 4–6 helps us diagnose the common problem of discouragement and will show us the wisdom to navigate our discouragement and find hope in God. The exiles experienced a set-back, a period of discouragement. Then after 10 years they resumed, rebuilt and celebrated. They found their hope in God. After 6 months of virtual we should still find our hope in God and seek to join Him.
As God’s people, we can trust that no hardship will be permanent, as He has promised to bring an end to all difficulty and discouragement one day. This gives us hope no matter our circumstances. Thank you for continuing to trust me and for holding me accountable. I miss seeing everyone!
Serving Him and Missing You,
Pastor Jeff