Billy Graham was quoted once as stating - “I’ve read the last page of the Bible, it’s all going to turn out all right.” While I’m certain that Rev. Graham was not talking about the weather, that is exactly how I felt on Wednesday morning here in Memphis. When I stepped outside to let my dogs out to begin the day, it was a cool, no humidity, 64 degree start to the day! On August 5th in Memphis it was 64 and I thought “All is going to be ok, well for at least today.” I desire for multiple 64 degree mornings! I desire for everything to all turn out right. As I begin a new sermon series I’m continually reminded that it is tempting, especially in times of isolation, to get away from spiritual practices that remind me to join God on mission in my neighborhood, city, state, nation and world. When that happens, I believe that God desires me to return in a renewed commitment. God is in the center of all things and is reminding us of what we once knew; “it’s all going to turn out all right.”
Prior to all things changing and the calendared events being postponed, I had planned on doing a series for about 6wks in the OT book of Ezra. Ezra is one of two books, Nehemiah being the second, that completes the 11 book Old Testament narrative of God. If you were to read these eleven books, (Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Joshua, Judges, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, Ezra and Nehemiah) beginning with Genesis and reading them in succession to Nehemiah, you would read through almost the entire story of the Old Testament. The reason it must be stated that it is “almost the entire story” is because there are some additional stories isolated in parts of other books. The prophets add to the narrative as these books begin to fill in certain details about what God is up to, what he is going to do, and when it is going to happen. The completion of the OT narrative reminds us, as believers, that all is going to turn out just fine.
There is so much biblical historical significance to the beginning words of Ezra. There is fulfillment, movement and activity that all continues to lay the foundation for the coming of the Messiah and the completion of God’s Kingdom. Ezra and the other exiles were going back to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple of the Lord, which the Babylonians had destroyed. We may quickly pass over this event in Scripture, but the faith required to go and the amount of work involved was significant. Similarly, God will call you to go. It might be down the hall or across the street, it might be around the world. All that’s required of us is to be faithful to respond to God’s urging and go where He calls. God is able to take our ordinary faithfulness and do more with it than we could ever ask or imagine. We never know what God is going to do, but in midst of studying Him we should do so with a heart of worship that is becoming of approaching a King.
As we read, learn and seek to apply God’s word let us do so learning as the exiles did. Let us follow with obedience, so that collectively we can rejoice in the house of the Lord (Ezra 16:6). Let us be reminded that there is only One who can protect you, and that is not any elected official. There is only one who can guarantee your safety. There is One who can ensure your well-being. There is one living and true God. There is none besides Him.
On Wednesday the temperature was 64 degrees and I knew all was going to be right that day. I know that if I follow with obedience as the exiles did, all is going to be all right. I too have read the last page of the Bible, and you know what…all is going to be all right!
Serving Him,
Pastor Jeff