His name is JESUS. The child born in the manager became man, healer, teacher, Christ, and hope. During this season of Thanksgiving, while enjoying time with family and friends, it is equally important to remember and celebrate the name of JESUS.
This past year the UABC family has once again proven the definition of family to be true. Although the family is defined as "a group of people related to one another," our church family is very much linked together. The most obvious connection is through our Father and Savior, Jesus Christ. This family continues to; give together, minister together, celebrate, cry and support. At each gathering over the past year, you have adapted, moved forward, embraced, and worked towards the common goal of this family; To serve God by serving this community. As a family unit, we have mourned death, prayed for the sick, celebrated new birth, observed salvation moments, observed weddings, and most of all present a unified commitment to continue sharing the name of JESUS in this community. Friends, our transition in the coming days will be challenging, but one thing will remain; we will present God's word. In doing so, we will continue to read it together, learn from its teaching, and seek to apply it to our internal family community and external mission field.
On behalf of Mary, Sara, Allan, Grant, Avery, and I, Happy Thanksgiving! We are very grateful for the love, trust, and encouragement that our church family provides. This Christmas season, my prayer is that when we recall "The Christmas Story," that we do so knowing with all of our heart, mind, and soul that His name is JESUS and the He and He alone is both fully human and fully God. He is on only one that makes full atonement for all of our sins. Let us collectively give thanks this season to God for loving us so much that He took on flesh, dwelt among us, and died on the cross for our sins. Join me in praying that we would remember that JESUS has defeated Satan, death, and sin through His death, burial, and resurrection.
Serving Him,
Pastor Jeff