
When they came to the nations where they went, they profaned My holy name, which the house of Israel profaned among the nations where they went” (Ezek. 36:20).

One of the most significant and yet overlooked texts of the Old Testament is Ezekiel 36–37. Israel is once again in captivity; this time, Babylon is their place of confinement. How could God’s chosen people be held captive by a people whose God is no god? This question must have been in the minds of the captives. Friends, God speaks to Israel through the prophet Ezekiel. God had set Israel among the nations to embody his name by living holy lives. But Israel’s disobedience and the resulting unholiness had profaned his name. Therefore the people of Babylon had concluded that the God of Israel was weak. They could have easily assumed that the God of Israel was not as powerful as Marduk, the God of Babylon, or that he had failed to keep his promise. 

In any case, the behavior of Israel and their captivity had caused God’s name to be profaned. God’s chosen people had an opportunity to be a witness influence for Him but instead choose to use their time differently.  We should learn from this text that if we are, every aspect of our behavior reflects our Father.

  • People today draw conclusions about the nature of God based on the actions and attitudes of those who belong to him.

  • As parents, we can help our children understand that their lifestyle is essential to God and the basis for their witness.

When God’s people live in such a manner that they reflect the character of God, then the nations will know. Israel had failed to show concern for the nations; they had profaned God’s name through sinful behavior, and they had disobeyed God’s Word. They had consumed God’s blessings rather than conveying them. Too often, the same can be said regarding the family.

We cannot fail as Israel failed. Kingdom-focused families will enable us to help our children understand the importance of their behavior and will help us instill in them the desire to reach the nations. I hope you are beginning to see the potential that lies dormant in the Christian home if we can instill kingdom focus.

When the Christian parents reflect on their scripture roles (Colossians 3:18-21) and children respond to appropriate biblical behavior, I believe that God will restore the family unit just like the nation of Israel experienced. Upon the completed reading of Ezekiel 36, we see the significance of this chapter as an important part of Isarel’s history. Quickly observe the path toward redemption and salvation;

  • God will cleanse them from their sins.

    I will also sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean.  I will cleanse you from all your impurities and all your idols.  Eze 36:25

  • God will give them a new heart.

     I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you;  I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26

  • God will place within them the Holy Spirit.

    I will place My Spirit within you and cause you to follow My statutes and carefully observe My ordinances.  Ezekiel 36:27

  • God will claim them again.

    Then you will live in the land that I gave your fathers;  you will be My people, and I will be your God. Ezekiel 36:28

  • God will cause their land to flourish

    29 I will save you from all your uncleanness. I will summon the grain and make it plentiful and will not bring famine on you.  30 I will also make the fruit of the trees and the produce of the field plentiful so that you will no longer experience reproach among the nations on account of famine. Ezekiel 36:29–30

  • The people will be filled with displeasure and disgust

    “Then you will remember your evil ways and your deeds that were not good,  and you will loathe yourselves for your iniquities and detestable practices.  32 It is not for your sake that I will act” —the declaration of the Lord God—“let this be known to you. Be ashamed and humiliated because of your ways, house of Israel! Ezekiel 36:31–32

  • They will be multiplied and in fellowship with God 37 “This is what the Lord God says: I will respond to the house of Israel and do this for them:  I will multiply them in number like a flock.  38 So the ruined cities will be filled with a flock of people, just as the flock of sheep for sacrifice is filled in Jerusalem during its appointed festivals. Then they will know that I am Yahweh.”  Ezekiel 36:37–38

When we become a household dedicated to the Lord, we will be restored by God. How are you using your 3,000 hours of unscheduled time a year with your family? Are you influencing your family for the honor and glory of God?

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