
Love the Lord your God, obey Him, and remain faithful to Him. For He is your life, and He will prolong your life in the land the Lord swore to give to your fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob." Deuteronomy 30:20 (HCSB)

It is time to return; Mary and I are ready! We are very thankful for the time away, spiritual renewal, reflection, and family gatherings. While a sabbatical period is a relativity new to UABC, it is recognized along with religious and academic circles. The term sabbatical can be defined as; "a period of paid leave granted to a college teacher or clergy for study or travel, traditionally every seventh year." We choose to use this 7-week sabbatical to accomplish several things, along with a reflection of things for the body of UABC.

Friends, we are ready to return to consistent fellowship with each of you. We are eager to return to a ministry that is motivated, willing, and eager to move forward in our community. Before retreating on sabbatical, I had a meeting with both the church board of directors and the tower's board of directors. In short, I challenged our leadership with a return to independent existence. To prayerful consider a return to Gospel sharing, ministry embracing, mission-focused vision. 

While on sabbatical Mary and I observed other faith fellowships. A reminder was that each gathering is unique. There were many similarities and very noticeable differences; one church we attended ended worship by blowing two rams horns. The most important takeaway was observing a desire for God's church to return. Many desired a return to yesterday when pews were packed. Some sought a return to the days when people came to church. A few looked to return to prominence in the community, and the list could go on. While I desire each of those sentiments as well, I do long for much more. I long to see a return to discipleship, to active baptismal waters, to a ministry and business plan that furthers God's will, testimony, and love in Midtown.

In my recent studies of Joshua, I read many commentaries that highlighted a transition from a great leader to a willing student. That change of leadership was clothed in a call to return; "love the Lord your God, obey Him, and remain faithful to Him. For He is your life, and He will…." Moses presents to Joshua and many others a straightforward plan for those seeking to return; love, obey and remain faithful. Moses called all creation to witness Israel's great opportunity to accept the covenant and enjoy its blessings. God offered His people life, for God is our life (Deut. 30:20). "For in him we live, and move, and have our being" (Acts 17:28). We receive from Him not only physical life in our first birth but also spiritual life through our second birth (John 3:1–18). This marks the end of Moses' farewell address, the review of the law, and the covenant renewal. He still has much more to say, and what he says is very important. Moving forward, Joshua will then take over and lead Israel to triumph in their Promised Land. Joshua will lead them in furthering Kingdom and a call to return.

Friends, Mary and I are ready to return; will you join us?

Serving Him,
Pastor Jeff

Union Avenue