This past week Mary and I attended church at Faith Christian Fellowship Church (Non-denominational) in Camden, Tn. Brother Jerry (78) and his wife, Sister Woody (92), have served and led this congregation for 30+ years. The gathering body totaled less than 50, the median age was 55+, and about 6 children attended. Upon arrival, we observed a praise band with 3 singers, all in their 50's. A drummer that we would later learn was playing his last Sunday because he was headed to Bethel University. The other instrument was an electric guitar player, and yes, Sister Woody standing playing an electric keyboard with that right foot a-tapping!
Friends, we observed prayer, spoken testimonies, and a genuine church family in displaying their faith. Following communion, Brother Jerry began by saying, "Church, there are 7 things that you can become you when you press into the Lord." That's correct 7 things! After already having a singing, praise time, communion, and prayer, he would impart a 7 part sermon. Brother Jerry asked us to turn to Luke 10:25, and he began to read the parable of "The Good Samaritan." His points were as follows;
You will become a healer. (Luke 10:27, Gal 6:2 and Deut 6:5)
You will become an encourager. (Rom 12:5-8, 2 Tim. 4:11)
You will become a listener. (Ps. 46:10)
You will become a forgiver and will not hold grudges. (Matt 6:14-15)
You will become a helper. (Ex. 4, Neh 3:9)
You will become a supporter. (Rom 12:1-2)
You will become a Saver. (John 3:16)
Friends, my takeaways are plenty:
The decision to attend church is essential. Today we have many reasons for not attending. Time, online options, worries, etc…
The decision to participate in Worship is necessary. Did you notice that I stated earlier that there was a genuine display of faith? When we decide to attend Worship, we then need to choose to participate in Worship.
Age should not hinder our decision. While playing the electric keyboard, Sister Woody stood for 4 songs with multiple verses and played during communion.
The sermon the Pastor delivered could have been clothed in all the "hot" social topics. He could have directed his small congregation in several ways, he could have guided them towards his personal decisions regarding politics, vaccines, illness, or any other topic, but instead, he shared God's Word.
Friends, right now, it feels like we are viewing the 2nd installment of a movie series. Opinions are being shared regarding the vaccine, masks, illness, and, yes, politics. My decision regarding how to utilize the pulpit was validated while observing Brother Jerry. Yes, I will strive to do my best in making decisions for my family, but when it comes to my calling and what you have entrusted unto me, my words from the pulpit will direct you to make a decision to press into the Lord. I will seek to not use the pulpit as a platform to sway someone one way or another on the day's "hot topic." When we all "press" into the Lord consistently, we will become; healers, encouragers, listeners, forgivers, helpers, supporters, and savers.
Pastor Jeff