2 Languages 1 God
How do you view Easter? Pretty dresses, big hats, and new suits? Colorful plastic eggs filled with candy? Perhaps time with family to enjoy a meal and a springtime family photo? From a secular viewpoint, that is Easter, correct?
Some people think Easter is a pagan holiday based on worshiping the sun. Others tell us that Easter is about Jesus and what exactly his early followers thought of him, but they quickly tell us that those first followers were wrong about the Resurrection. They tell us the early disciples were so stricken with grief over the crucifixion that they made up the story to feel better or make some spiritual point. Some say the Resurrection was a mass delusion caused by the trauma of the crucifixion. But of course, that is not the case; we know the true story of Resurrection Sunday, Easter. An act of sacrificial outstretched arms was on display to guarantee an inheritance for all that believed and accepted.
I desire us to not just be religious about Easter but rather to enjoy Jesus this Easter season. Unfortunately, people seem to invent ways to be religious at Easter without really enjoying Jesus. Luke 10:25–11:13 helps us understand that the greatest thing in the world is knowing and enjoying Jesus. Knowing and enjoying Jesus is precisely what Easter is about.
We celebrate the Resurrection because there is no good news without it; we would still be in our sin separated from God. But we also celebrate the Resurrection because we get to know and enjoy Christ as our living Lord through it.
In Luke 10:25-42, The primary idea of “inheritance” runs through this section, an inheritance available for those who have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior. A couple of weeks ago, I wrote regarding the inheritance afforded the nation of Israel in Joshua’s account; “Are you taking the time to impart to your heirs material and monetary items and the significance of a spiritual inheritance? When Christ gave His life, He did so to provide eternal life, our inheritance, for all that call upon Him as Lord. He prepared a mansion with many rooms. One is for you; if you have accepted Christ. Take the time to thank your heavenly father for that inheritance. If your parents or family members have passed away, take the time to reflect on the inheritance afforded you. As you continue to journey through the days the Lord has given you, make sure that you leave a spiritual inheritance for all of those who come into contact with you.”
On Sunday, our worship will include a combined body of Christ with brothers and sisters worshiping from both UABC and the Memphis Chinese Fellowship. We will sing, pray, read scripture, and receive communion together as we start a four-week journey towards Resurrection Sunday on April 17th. Together we will be reminded that the inheritance that God gives cannot be earned, cannot be taken away, and cannot be imagined. The gathering during communion reminds us of the greatest sacrifice that has ever been given that became the greatest gift we could ever accept. Christ Jesus revealed His Love; it was not imagined. He did this by what He said and by what He did. Jesus told His friends that He had a great desire to share this last Passover with them before He suffered. Passover commemorated the Exodus of Israel from Egypt centuries before, but He would accomplish a more significant “exodus” on the cross. He would purchase redemption from sin for a world of lost sinners.
Luke 10:19-20 reads, “19 And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” 20 And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.” Oh, friends, I’m eagerly anticipating our time of worship this coming Sunday! Worship in two languages celebrating one God! I love serving the Lord and His combined church on the campus of 2181 Union Avenue!
Serving Him,
Pastor Jeff