Today’s study continues with Israel’s request for a king, rooted in their desire to be like their neighboring (pagan) nations. This request revealed their lack of trust in God’s leadership, a theme that continued throughout Saul’s life. Saul’s life is a sad story of unrealized potential. Still, it’s an important reminder of God’s desire that we trust Him and His plans for our lives and live entirely devoted to Him.
These elders wanted a king to provide military leadership and secure the nation’s borders. Furthermore, the leaders apparently held the misconception that a king was less susceptible to corruption. The elders, however, chose to address one wrong with another wrong. There was no praying and seeking of the Lord. There was no solemn assembly—no crying out to God. Instead, the elders demanded Samuel appoint a king to judge them “the same as all the other nations have” (1 Sam. 8:5). Their motives may appear commendable, logical, and timely. The trouble was that Israel was to be different from all the rest of the nations (Lev. 20:26; Num. 23:9). This fact was a fundamental principle of the Torah. God, and God alone, was Israel’s King (Ex. 15:18; Pss. 10:16; 24:10; 93:1).
As we begin to read Chapter 9, we are introduced to the rise of an earthly king. While looking for a lost donkey, he (Saul) approaches a seer (prophet) to only be presented with the choice of being Israel’s first Ruler. More on that in just a moment.
Saul’s name derives from the Hebrew word sha’al, meaning “asked,” and reminds us that Israel got the king they “asked” for—a king like all the other nations—but rejected the true King they needed: the Lord God.
Chapters 9–10 introduce us to the figure of Saul. He is a Benjaminite, which is not good when we see what happened in Israel within the tribe of Benjamin in Judges 18–19. The tribe of Benjamin has a history of corruption, inhospitality, rape, and murder. We could say that the tribe was awash with sin. So it is not a good sign that Saul comes from that tribe.
First Samuel 9 depicts the comical choosing of Saul as the king the people wanted. This story reads like a comedy rather than a dignified tale of heroism, class, and courage. Saul is a bit of an idiot, fumbling here, there, and everywhere trying to find his daddy’s donkeys. He searches and searches with absolutely no luck. In fact, Saul gives up on the search until the servant suggests they consult a nearby “seer” to help them find the animals. Seer is another name for a prophet, and the prophet about which the servant spoke was Samuel (10:9). Friends, as we are introduced to Saul, we will notice that Saul is (a) unable (or unwilling) to make a positive change to transform his situation and (b) he is hesitant about consulting the prophet of God. Saul has a passivity problem and a prophet problem. He cannot act, and when he does, he hesitates to have God (or God’s representatives) involved. One wonders how strong a leader Saul will be if he cannot come up with his own ideas! And how strong a leader will Saul be if he is inherently suspicious of the Lord’s prophet? These are ominous signals for the reader. You know you are in trouble when you are hesitant or unwilling to consult God before you act!
As the narrative continues, two men find Samuel. The text records that God had appeared to Samuel and told him that he was to anoint a man from Benjamin to be “prince” over Israel (9:16 ESV). The word used here is the Hebrew word nagid (“prince” or “leader”), not the Hebrew word melek (“king”). So why does God use the word nagid rather than melek? It may be a way to reinforce the idea that there is only one King in Israel, Yahweh, and the Israelite king will always and ever be only a prince. The Israelite king will rule as God’s undershepherd per the authority of the Shepherd of Israel, Yahweh (see Ps 23).
In the coming weeks, we will see the progression of the Rise of the Earthly King. In 1 Samuel 10, we will read of Saul’s private anointing. Samuel’s “message from God” first took the form of anointing, an action previously reserved for sacred objects and Aaronic priests. The act of pouring a flask of specially prepared olive oil on Saul’s head apparently symbolized the staking of a divine claim on him, as well as the outpouring of the Lord’s enabling Spirit into the newly designated king. Though Samuel anointed Saul, it was, in fact, the Lord who was responsible for designating Saul as the leader “over his inheritance” (v. 1). Though God desires for us to choose the best and trust Him in those choices, He doesn’t abandon us when we make a less than the best choice. Though the Israelites had sinned, God was still providing for them.
After the time of private anointing in the later part of 1 Samuel 10, the act of coronation turns toward Saul’s public acceptance as King. To dispel doubts concerning the Lord’s claim on the young man’s life, Samuel provided Saul with an unprecedented series of validating signs (10:2-8) that would be accomplished almost immediately—even before Saul could return to his home. This early confirmation would, in theory, help Saul accept his new status immediately and thus prepare him to accept his role as Israel’s king when it was publicly bestowed on him. However, Saul was reluctant to share Samuel’s words about the matter of kingship when he first returned home. Perhaps he felt relatives and friends would have a harder time believing he would be their new leader.
Then lastly after the private anointing and public acceptance, there is a demonstration of military might in chapter 11.
Friends, our big takeaway at this point is The Book of First Samuel teaches us that even though we have rejected God, He has been faithful to carry out His promises. So why do we study the books of Samuel, and what do we seek to apply to our life? The Books of 1 and 2 Samuel provide numerous examples of good and bad leadership. When leaders focused their attention on the Lord and saw their leadership roles as instruments for His glory, they flourished; when they abandoned the Lord and used their offices for their own gain, they failed. The lives of Eli and his sons and Samuel, Saul, David, and others consistently illustrate these principles.
As we get ready to gather this coming Sunday, thank God for His Word given to His people thousands of years ago and to us today. Ask Him to help you in the days ahead to see how His words in 1 Samuel apply to your life today so that you might grow in faith.