Which is worth more to you—monetary value or symbolic value? Have you ever lost something of symbolic significance (i.e., a wedding ring, a family heirloom, or some sort of memorabilia)? If so, what made this item special, how did it feel when you lost it, and how did you feel if you found it later?
Similarly to how we treat our items of symbolic value with respect and care, Israel was to care for and honor the Ark of the covenant. The symbolic worth of the Ark begins to take more significant importance than God's Worthiness. The Ark represented their history and relationship with Yahweh, the one true God. Where they were mistaken, however, was to presume that possession of the Ark meant that their relationship with Yahweh was fine as it was. They thought that the mere presence of the Ark with them in the battle against the Philistines automatically ensured the presence of God would be with them to gain victory over their enemies (see 1 Sam. 4:3-10). However, Israel's simply possessing the Ark did not indicate a right relationship with God any more than wearing a wedding ring suggests a healthy marriage.
Friends, we should not approach God with presumption about how He will act or how He desires to be worshiped. Therefore, in chapters 4-6 of 1 Samuel, we will be reminded of the Worthiness of God. The Worthiness of God refers to the fact that God deserves our praise, honor, and worship. This is based on His inherent qualities as the Creator and sustainer of the universe, as well as His love, grace, mercy, and justice. The Bible emphasizes God's worthiness throughout the Old and New Testaments.
In the Old Testament, God's worthiness is described in terms of His power, majesty, and sovereignty, as well as His provision and protection of His people. In the New Testament, God's worthiness is described in terms of His love and grace, as demonstrated in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
God's worthiness is not dependent on external circumstances or our personal feelings but is rooted in His nature and character as the one true God. As such, He deserves our worship and praise, regardless of our circumstances or experiences.
In recognition of God's worthiness, Christians are called to live lives of worship, offering our hearts, minds, and bodies as living sacrifices to Him. This involves recognizing and confessing our sins, seeking His forgiveness, and striving to align our lives with His plans and purposes. When we do so, we experience the fullness of life and the blessings of knowing and serving the one true God.
As you ready yourself for worship this coming Sunday, take the time to pray: God, You are holy; apart from Christ, we are not. Forgive us for our presumptuous sins and hidden faults. Remove wrong thinking about You from our hearts and minds. According to Your grace, make us faithful to the mission of making disciples. In the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.