Belief and Confidence

Calling out and identifying false teachers is neither enjoyable nor popular but biblical and necessary. These false teachers are often more dangerous and widespread than many Christians realize. The apostle John makes this abundantly clear in 1 John 4:1-6. Like his earlier words in 1 John 2:18-27, the last living apostle draws a sharp contrast between true and false prophets, the faithful Christ and antichrists, and the Spirit of God versus the spirits of this world. He uses“from God” and “the world” six times. Astonishingly, those who are “of the world” and not “from God” have infiltrated the churches. This reminds us that our most significant dangers are often from within, not outside. This is why we must “test the spirits” (1 John 4:1), as not all are from God. John provides a fourfold test that is more important than any exam you'll ever take in school, with eternal implications.

Let's begin by looking at 1 John 4:1-3. Testing the spirits in verse 1 becomes much more apparent when we ask “the Jesus question” posed in verses 2 and 3. John tells us how to recognize the Spirit of God and those who genuinely bear His gospel message. Verse 2 frames it positively, while verse 3 presents the negative. What confession reveals the presence of the Spirit of God? It is this: “Jesus Christ has come in the flesh.” This is not just a casual statement but a deeply held, heartfelt, and committed belief. Authentic Christianity stands or falls on this truth—that there was a true, genuine, and permanent union of deity and humanity in the person of Jesus Christ.

Moving to 1 John 4:4, John again uses a term of endearment: “little children.” Notice how“You are from God” comes first in this verse, emphasizing and intensifying the point: “You, yourselves, and no one else are of God, little children. And you have conquered them—the world, the false prophets, those of the spirit of antichrist—in an abiding and settled fashion.” How did we achieve this victory? The Greater Spirit, the Holy Spirit, resides in you, and He is greater than he who is in the world. Yes, the world is strong, but our God is infinitely stronger! Are false prophets wise? Yes, but our God is infinitely wiser! Is Satan powerful? Yes, but our God is infinitely more powerful! And this God, who is infinitely stronger, wiser, and greater, now and forever, is in you! By a true and faithful confession of Jesus as Messiah, I declare that I belong to God. In response, God gives Himself to me through His Spirit and takes up residence in me and everyone who sincerely calls Jesus “Lord.” Amazingly, the God who can live anywhere chooses to live inside you and me! I can now move forward in a life of loving, sacrificial service, just as my suffering-servant Savior did. I live confidently, blessed with the assurance that I am His, and fight a battle in which victory is mine for the taking.

Finally, in 1 John 4:5-6, John concludes this section with words that may initially sound bold, even arrogant. However, upon closer inspection, we see he is pointing us exactly where we need to go and directing us to the teachers we should listen to. John contrasts those of the world—the evil, organized system controlled by Satan—with those who are from God. Those aligned with the Devil's domain speak from that worldview, inspired by that spirit. They deliver satanic sermons and demonic discourses, and those who belong to that worldview listen to and embrace their teachings. We should never be surprised when the lost think and act like lost people, even those who once claimed to follow Christ. Those enslaved to the world cannot help but listen to those who speak their language.

Verse 6 paints a different picture. Those who know God through confessing Jesus as the incarnate Christ and Savior listen to those who were with Him and were commissioned by Him. They remain steadfast with the apostles and prophets, refusing to stray even an inch from this true and trustworthy source. As Jesus said in John 8:47, “The one who is from God listens to God’s words.” This is a perfect commentary on the meaning of this verse. There is no “Jesus-plus” or “Bible-plus” theology for those who truly know God, nor is there “Jesus-minus” or “Bible-minus” theology. This is how you can clearly distinguish between “the Spirit of truth and the Spirit of deception.”

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