
JAMES 4:13-17; JAMES 5:7-8; PHILIPPIANS 3:7-14

2020, the year that was "At-Home." Yes, 2020 was indeed a year full of the unexpected, numerous setbacks, and all-around difficult things. Everything that was well-intended on January 1, 2020, probably did not happen. What was a priority quickly got pushed back to; "Well, maybe tomorrow we might be able to do what we had planned." I know because not only did this happen in our household, it also happened in the life and plans of the church. 

2020 was to be the year of "complete vision" (notice the play on words). It was supposed to be a year in which UABC would be better equipped to reach the community, with a new playground and ministry programs. It was supposed to the year that a trip to Uganda was to take place, and the reality of a Special Ed ministry (Buddy Break) was taking shape. It was a year in which there were both ministries and business priorities planned, momentum was on our side, and God's purpose for His Church was becoming clear, or so we thought.

Often in the office, we would discuss a possible return to campus, about events being postponed, and the church's general day-to-day business. The discussions included phrases like "If it's God's will" (James 4:13-17), or "We just need to be patient, this will pass" (James 5:7-8), and often we would conclude with "Well, we just need to move forward!" (Philippians 3:7-14).  Follow the link for the service tomorrow, as l highlight just a few of the ministries that, despite the pandemic, we still were able to achieve. Some of the priorities that were planned we adapted and many others were created. Friends, God's continued utilization of his Church in 2020 was simply amazing and outstanding! Thank you for your continued trust! I look forward to 2021 and all the ministry challenges that will be presented to us!

Serving Him,
Pastor Jeff

Union Avenue