
We made the decision to do something different, while still honoring tradition. “Vacation Bible School” now has become “Virtual Bible School.” These past few months have been challenging for everyone, and I hope that you are all safe and healthy amid the COVID-19 pandemic.  We started out two weeks ago with a goal of 200 children participating in VBS and well as of today we have 170+ registered!!!! But there is still room for your and your child to receive a “tool box” from UABC so you can participate in VBS!

I feel extremely fortunate to be able to continue to offer ministry and services at Union Avenue Baptist Church. One of the traditional ministry opportunities we are able to continue will be Vacation Bible School, however; this year it will be Virtual Bible School! 

Our VBS this year is a great way for you and your family to be involved. Our church family has given towards a special offering that is allowing us to ship a box full of supplies to your home for each child in your home, completely FREE to you!  That's correct every child that you sign up will get their own "Tool Box" for VBS sent to their home. The supplies in the box will include; Bible Studies, Crafts, Mission information and a Hard Hat. During the week of July 27-31 we will upload videos for VBS in the following groups; Preschool, K-4th, 5th-12th and Special Friends. 

I want to personally invite those of you that are a part of our Night To Shine Community, ministry community, daycare community and church community to participate. All you need to do is register on our websiteand we will do the rest. We are ready to ship 200 boxes and currently we are planning to ship to 19 cities in TN and 3 states to those that have already registered! 

So if you would like a box or know of a family that would like to receive one, just go to our site and register! Share this with co-workers, neighbors, grandchildren...take part in sharing the Love of Christ with a household this summer!

Serving Him and Your Family,

Pastor Jeff

Union Avenue