Ps. 23:4

What are some of the things you have missed over the past 3-4 months? People have stated that they have missed; grandkids, travel, dinning out, events, and sports. My personal list would indeed include baseball. There is nothing better than having a game on in the background to provide some ambient noise while working and/or multi-tasking on the computer. I have trained myself to drown out the general noise of the game and to listen for that distinct cracking sound of the bat, the elevated voice of the announcer and roar of the crowd. Those three combined sounds mean one thing; it’s time to turn my attention to the game and watch a ball leave the bat while making its way over the wall for a home run! That is something I missed, so much so that I have found myself turning on games from last season just so I can have that escape and feeling.

In most homes the familiar ambient noise of choice has been replaced by an endless news cycle. The news station or social feed has been sought after because we are seeking answers, direction and comfort. While the “new” ambient noise was on in our home the other day the anchor desk personality stated “America is on the brink of death. In the past America would be the nation that provided comfort to the rest of the world. Comfort came in the form of aid, support, enforcement, and consistency. Today, America needs comfort; America needs aid, support, enforcement and consistency." Obviously that statement grabbed my attention like the sound of a cracking bat sending a baseball 425ft over the center field wall. It was time to turn my attention to the anchor’s statement.

America needs comfort. America needs to hear of comfort that is provided by the one that runs in our direction when everyone else goes the other way. The last 8 weeks my focus for our time of worship has been on this very thing. Seeking a renewal, revival, restoration in the time of chaos. Being reminded of where we once found comfort. Our studies have pointed us to; Deuteronomy 31:6, Joshua 1:9, Isaiah 35:4, 41:10, Psalm 55, 77, 80, Job 16:2, Jeremiah 20, Matthew 11:28, Romans 8:31f, 1 Peter 2:9-12. Each of these verses, and of course there are many more, point us to the ultimate source of comfort.

“Comfort” here does not mean “to sympathize,” but more “to encourage.” The comfort a shepherd provides for the sheep is not merely sympathy for their needs, but real, tangible assistance and action on their behalf. This is the same type of comfort that Christ and The Holy Spirit provide. Remember Asaph in Psalm 77 was able to ask The Lord a series of questions and I believe he was able to do so because of the honest, transparent time he spent with The Lord; the one that was his source of comfort. The battles, struggles, and missed things that we are currently dealing with as a nation, may not necessarily be a scriptural issue but I believe we can seek scriptural truth in restoring our comfort. 

Our nation was built on freedoms and liberties that gives us permission to be passionate, to speak out and to seek aid, support, enforcement and yes even consistency. However; our belief in God the creator, Christ the image of salvation and The Holy Spirit as the resident true comfort in our life, gives us, as followers, permission to seek love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness. All of which could be justified as a working definition of “comfort.”

So as we continue to navigate these new days and adjust schedules remember to pursue renewal each and every day. Ps 23:4 - “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me”  As a nation this moment in history could be identified as our own “valley of the shadow of death?” Who are you leaning upon and where is your source of comfort? Maybe the anchor desk personality was correct; “ America is on the brink of death. In the past America would be the nation that provided comfort to the rest of the world. Comfort came in the form of aid, support, enforcement, and consistency. Today, America needs comfort; America needs aid, support, enforcement and consistency.”  Let us all be challenged and reminded that we are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his possession, so that we (you) may proclaim the praises of the one who called you out of the darkness into his marvelous light!” (1 Peter 2:9) Share your story of redemptive love, grace, mercy and comfort.

Serving Him and Missing You!

Pastor Jeff

Union Avenue