God's glory in all things
Think back over a difficult time in your life. What predominant emotions did you feel during that time? Did you feel anxiety, worry, absent from life? At some point in your life, some would say even this week, you have faced discouragement. Discouragement comes to all of us, and it can sometimes lead to severe depression. I have shared previously that 20 million Americans deal with depression on a daily bases. Because of our faith and the one that we seek guidance from some have suggested that Christians should not suffer discouragement or even depression. Is that true? No. Clearly some of God’s great people suffered depression such as Elijah, Job, and even Paul. We can even read that discouragement was very much part of an individual’s life in both the Old and New Testament. The psalmist’s words in Psalm 77 give us insight into what we are to do when we find ourselves facing discouragement. God has more than sympathy for our pain. He has a solution. He has a plan to turn our suffering into glory and the power to see it come to pass. His desire is for us to be reminded of His glory while in a moment of discouragement.
In Psalm 77 Asaph, the psalmist, was unable to sleep (vs 4) and as a result he began to pray (vs 1-2). The prayer turned to remembering why he was discouraged. He said to the Lord that he was groaning, and that his spirit weak (vs. 3-4). Overall, Asaph was discouraged due to his present circumstance, and as a result he found himself questioning “will the Lord ever again be with him.” How many restless nights have you had, where you often wonder if the Lord was even close by. You have read and been taught that He is forever with you, but in that moment of discouragement you feel like He is nowhere to be found. Well this is exactly the place Asaph found himself.
In his moment of loathing Asaph wondered just as any of us would; Lord where are you, why have you rejected me, will you ever show your love again, I do not sense your promises being fulfilled, and now more than ever I need mercy and compassion. Have you raised any of these questions to God recently? Do any of them resonate with you? Asaph was seeking after the Lord he knew and the one that he trusted. Because of that relationship with the Lord, Asaph was able to ask those very real and honest questions. Are you able to be that transparent with the Lord, can you honesty ask those questions of Him? We tend to do better with our earthly relationships in this regard. We invest time with our friends and therefore we ask those honest questions of one another, before we even consider asking of our friend that laid down His life for us.
God is not scared of our honesty. In fact, He welcomes it. God cares so much about us and our feelings that He has given us a direct line of communication to Him through prayer. That doesn’t mean we only pray to God during the good times. He expects us to bring all of our requests, doubts, grievances, and emotions to Him. In fact, we see this time and again throughout Scripture. It is in these moments that we can see the “glory of God in the midst of discouragement.”
During the crisis experiences of life, there comes a time when we must get ourselves by the hair of the neck and shake ourselves out of pity into reality, and that’s what Asaph did. Look back at Psalm 77:10-20. Notice that in verse 10-12 at the series of “I” comments. The repeated “I” comments indicates that he had come to the place of decision and determination. “It is my grief, that the right hand of the Most High has changed” vs. 10. But don’t stop reading, notice in vs. 13-20 the change of the pronouns from “I” and “my” to “thee” and “thou” referring to the Lord. Asaph recalls his true faith…Asaph reminds himself and the reader that true faith is not dependent on our circumstances. It must find its root in something that does not change - the character of God.
When we look at our circumstances, we focus on ourselves and see no hope, but when we look by faith to the Lord, our circumstances may not change but we do. No matter what’s happening in our circumstances, God is working for the good. Our job isn’t to know exactly what He’s doing; our job is to hold on and not give up. When things are falling apart around us, the best thing we can do is trust. So, think back over a difficult time in your life. What predominant emotions did you feel during that time? Was trust in the Lord one of the emotions you felt? Did you see the glory of God during that period of discouragement?
I look forward to seeing you again at church very soon!
Pastor Jeff