
There is both a fear and a benefit of having a child at home that is able to drive. The fear is real; they are driving and are in control of a vehicle! Then the benefit is often at the right time.  The other day my daughter was just “itching” to drive and go somewhere. I knew that we needed a few items from the grocery store, so I texted her a list, because teens don’t write anything down anymore, and sent her to the store. Prior to her leaving I asked “Do you know how to get there?” “Well of course, I just put into my phone and listen to the directions.” And just like that now I’m back to the fear of having a child at home that is able to drive. :) 

Acts 13:3 reads; “Then after they had fasted, prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them off.” In hindsight prior to sending my daughter to the grocery store I should have “fasted, prayed and laid hands on her.” But I digress with my point.  In this text the Spirit clearly designated whom He wanted the church to send out as missionaries. He said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul (Paul) for the work to which I have called them. (vs. 2)” After Saul’s conversion with the bright light he was quickly becoming the fulfillment of “and the power of the Holy Spirit will come upon you and you will be My Witness. (Acts 1:8)” Both Barnabas and Saul were sent out with a blessing and a direction. As the text continues and with the aid of our Bible maps we know that the two of them, along with others, made a 100+ mile journey over mountains and tough terrain to be “My Witness.” They had a task and an objective; to share the hero of the Bible, Jesus.

The church at Antioch recognized that the Lord had called these two men for His special work. Recognizing and answering the Lord’s call began with the individual believer. The church, however, played an important role in commissioning the missionaries whom the Lord had called. For what specific purpose has God set you apart? For what purposes has He set our church apart?

Not every Gospel conversation is a win and that was very evident for these two that were sent. Earlier in their journey that were meet by the proconsul and a sorcerer, a Jewish false prophet named Bar-Jesus. Paul and Barnabas realized that there are two reasons people oppose the gospel are pride and materialism.  Many people arrogantly refuse to admit they’re wrong. They refuse to humbly repent and say the gospel is true and salvation is in Christ alone.  And many others refuse to give up their materialistic lifestyles to follow the path of discipleship. The gospel confronts idols. And when collisions happen, heated opposition sometimes ensues. The confrontation between the missionaries and Bar-Jesus was intense (vv. 9-11). It was so intense that Paul cursed the man and spoke that he would be blind. Perhaps you think Paul’s resulting curse on the man isn’t very nice. Know that the fate of proconsul’s soul was at stake in this situation, and Paul—out of deep compassion—wanted him to believe. Paul filled his obligation as “My Witness”. Verse 12 states “Then the proconsul, seeing what happened, believed and was astonished at the teaching about the Lord.”

Then what is more than likely the first sermon of Paul’s ministry took place in verses 13-52. Paul reminded the Jewish audience that the Lord of the Old Testament was the one God that was at work and still is at work. He shared with them that God; Led them out, put up with them, gave them their land, gave them judges, gave them Saul, raised up David and then jumped straight to Jesus as the promised Messiah and descendent of David (v. 23.) Showing them that God was in control! Paul was “My Witness” “Bold” and “Sent.” 

In Acts 13 the mission of the church is front and center. We must preach/teach the things that are “most important.” We must keep the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus—as recorded in the Scriptures—the main message of our ministries. Christ is the hero of the Bible, and He must remain the hero of our teaching and preaching!

As you finish out this week and get ready for a weekend of rest and worship let me leave you with these 3 questions;

  • How did you come to a faith in Christ? Who followed God’s leading to share the gospel with you?

  • How can sharing your story and what Christ has done in your life bring glory to God?

  • If you were to emphasize one central truth about the gospel in your evangelism efforts, what would it be?

You have been “sent” are you ready to share?

Serving Him and Missing You!
Pastor Jeff

Union Avenue