Upside Down

In 2006 Jack Johnson released the song “Upside Down” for the soundtrack of the newest installment of the “Curious George” series. When this movie came out both the vividness of the animation and the tunes of the soundtrack caught my daughter’s attention as a young 4yr old. Over and over again we heard the lyrics to the song; “I want to turn the whole thing upside down. I’ll find things they say just can't be found. I’ll share this love I find with everyone We'll sing…” There was nothing intended to be spiritual about this movie and its presentation. This movie and song was meant to do one thing; bring a smile upon your face while watching the whimsical antics of a monkey. 

As I have been working towards finishing up this series on the mission of the church in the book of Acts, this song made its way on the repeat cycle in my head. It did so because of Acts 17:8 "'When they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some of the brothers before the city officials, shouting, “These men who have turned the world upside down have come here too,” And just like that after studying this verse there came the memory of the song.

Change is going to happen when we “Turn the world upside down.” Change happens constantly. Some changes are slight; they’re barely noticeable until they add up over time. Other changes are big; they occur suddenly and catch people off-guard. No event in history, however, compares with the transformation of the world brought about by the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Gospel changed everything; its results are eternal. As Paul wrote in Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew and also to the Greek.” The Gospel began with an unprecedented salvation event that continues to send waves of spiritual change across the world.

The risen Lord commissioned us as His followers to take the life-changing Gospel message to all the nations of the world (Matt. 28:18-20). He promised that the Holy Spirit would empower us to be His witnesses (Acts 1:8). In other words, we would become change agents for God in a fallen, topsy-turvy world. The apostle Paul set the example for serving as a Gospel change agent. The second half of the Book of Acts is filled with accounts of how he and other Christ followers took seriously the Great Commission. Led by the Spirit, they developed strategies to take the Gospel to places and people groups whom had yet to hear it or witness its life-changing power. One of those places was the ancient city of Thessalonica. Paul and Silas (and probably Timothy) came to this city during the second missionary journey (Acts 15:36–18:22)

Paul and Silas’s time in Thessalonica can teach us a lot about turning the world upside down for God in our day: 1. Have a strategy for sharing the Gospel. 2. Start churches. 3. Meet hostility with bold faith.

The phrase “turned the world upside down” can also mean “to make trouble.” In other words, Paul and Silas were accused of causing trouble wherever they went. In reality, the Gospel turns people’s lives right side up. In Philippi, the Lord through Paul healed a slave girl who had been forced to work as a fortune-teller for the profit of others. When the girl was set free from her spiritual bondage, her life was turned right side up. At the same time, the healing made trouble for the girl’s owners in the sense that it ruined their sinful profits. In turn, the owners retaliated against Paul and Silas (Acts 16:16-22)

How can we be known for “making trouble” or “turning the world upside down” in a peaceful—yet proactive—way? Why can we expect to face resistance when we share the Gospel with others? How can we as believers best respond when we are falsely accused or mistreated on account of our faith? How can we keep from becoming discouraged when we face hostility from those who oppose the message of Jesus? 

Take the time to thank the Lord for turning your life right side up when you believed in Jesus Christ. Ask Him to help you develop a personal strategy for sharing the Gospel with others. Pray for insight and boldness to not be thrown off-course by opposition to the Gospel.

Serving Him and Missing You,
Pastor Jeff

Union Avenue