Our Election Day Focus
"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way." 1 Timothy 2:1-2 (ESV)
Paul’s instructions to Timothy highlight the importance of prayer, especially for those in leadership and positions of authority. Rather than focusing on human leadership alone, Paul encourages believers to bring their concerns to God. By lifting up those in authority through prayer, we place our trust in God’s greater plan, seeking peace and godliness in our lives and communities.
Election Day is a powerful opportunity for Christians to demonstrate faith in action. As this day unfolds, we are reminded that while governments may change and leaders may rise and fall, God remains sovereign. Through prayer, we acknowledge that God is in control, guiding us even as we exercise our civic responsibilities.
It is natural to feel the weight of uncertainty during an election. However, Scripture assures us that God is faithful and capable of guiding nations according to His will. By seeking Him in prayer, we entrust our concerns to His perfect wisdom, knowing that God’s purposes extend beyond any single leader or administration. As we pray, we seek not only His guidance but His peace—peace that reassures us that He holds the future.
Today, as you watch the events of the election unfold, remember to seek, pray, and trust. Seek God first, remembering that our true hope lies in Him. Pray earnestly for the leaders of our nation, whoever they may be, that God will grant them wisdom, compassion, and humility. And finally, trust—trust that God’s plans are always unfolding, even when we may not fully see or understand them.
Take a moment today to rest in the knowledge that God is in control. Place your hope in His enduring Kingdom, and remember that His love and faithfulness remain unchanged. Through prayer and trust, we can find a peace that sustains us, no matter the outcome.
Serving Him,
Pastor Jeff